072 - How to Have Magical Marketing for Your Business. From Healer to Strategist - with Alexa Sharwell

If you run a business, you've likely sat on your couch on a Saturday night and thought about your marketing plan - Is it effective? Should I do the tried and true bro marketing? Should I just share authentically and hope for the best?

There is a sweet spot to your marketing strategy - BUT WHAT IS IT!? (Trust me, I feel your pain).

They key to heart centered marketing (that works) is having the right support and asking yourself the right questions. On this episode, you'll find the answers. Join me in this wonderful heart opening conversation with my dear friend, Alexa Sharwell. She is a spiritual healer and top notch marketing strategists who has been behind your favorite brands and people!

Together we dive into the heart of storytelling as a strategy, the delicate art of commitment without attachment, and the vitality of aligning services with personal truth.

Even if you're not looking for marketing support, you'll love this story of how Alexa turned her pain into purpose and created an incredible aligned life for herself.

Key Points:

  • The #1 tip to level up your marketing
  • Your missing piece.. finding alignment between business & self
  • How to balance commitment & surrender for maximum results
  • Navigating the financial ebbs and flows as an entrepreneur
  • Strategies for confident, impactful marketing

Do yourself a favor, and get to know Alexa...

Follow her on IG: https://www.instagram.com/alexasharwell/

Hire Alexa as your marketing strategist: https://bio.site/alexasharwell


Are you ready to heal your nervous system, expand your capacity for more abundance, and create a life that lights you up from the inside out?

👉 Start here with the [FREE] Alignment Upgrade: https://www.jadenhummel.com/upgrade

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PS - Did you love this podcast episode? Let me know by leaving an honest review or sharing on your IG and tagging me! @jadenbhummel