Understand why you've been stuck, put your foot down where things haven't been working, and create a sparkly life and business that makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning.

Jumpstart your Next Level

Alignment Blueprint: Your 5-Step Guide to an Exponentially Aligned life.

Craft a UNIQUE action plan to expand your potential, embody your most vibrant self, and earn and serve at the level you're meant for.



You came here to do something truly remarkable with your time on the planet, and yet...

most days, you wake up feeling energetically drained, resentful of your responsibilities, and overall bored with life.

The passion that got you started in your business/art/career has started to dwindle and you're wanting to reignite a vision and mission that makes you excited to show up and serve at your fullest potential.

It's time to fall back in love with your work and your life... and no longer feel like you're wasting away your potential with misaligned habits, replaying the same drama in your head, and feeling stuck on which steps to take next.

Because here's the deal...You don't just want a decent life - you want a life you can tell your grandchildren about.

➡️ You want to set boundaries that preserve your time & energy and to be able to confidently say NO to all the B.S. people try to throw on your plate.

➡️ You want un-f**k-with-able energy where you create instead of compare, you know how to share your message & mission with the world, you lead confidently, and you have the capacity to hold it all.

➡️ You're want for more spaciousness in your life - to sip your coffee in the morning and feel truly relaxed (Not only because you have time-freedom, but because you're doing what you're meant to in this world)

➡️ And all of those things on your "someday list" can be action items that you get checked off this week with ease.

You don't have to wait another day to make it happen. Imagine if you could finally get clear with your alignment blueprint + and start creating FRESH momentum today...

It's time to determine what's working & what's no longer serving you - so you can shift instantly and hit your next level today.

In this 5-part masterclass, you’ll…

  • Walk through the alignment blueprint to get clear on what's working, what's not, and craft your vision for the next chapter of your life/business/ career.
  • Uncover what's been keeping you stuck (even if you've done a ton of self-help, therapy, or somatic work). You'll walk away from this blueprint with at least one new "ah-ha" or breakthrough PLUS the actionable steps to make it happen.
  • Expand your nervous system so you can expand what you're able to hold, receive, and embody.
  • Re-calibrate your money energetics & personal alignment. (This is the key to increase your income, attract higher caliber relationships, and stick with your healthy habits once and for all).
  • Step into your aligned leadership by honestly communicating your needs, values, and messaging in a way that serves you & the world around you.

Most importantly…

You’ll learn tools that you can use everyday to step into your leadership, run the business of your dreams, and come back into alignment every single day.

Here’s what’s inside…


// This series includes 5 powerful masterclasses on creating your most aligned life, a BLUEPRINT.

// Each video is under 20 mins - so you can start implementing what you learn TODAY and very quickly see tangible results.

// Choose to binge the content all at once or break it up over 5 days – whichever approach feels aligned with YOUR needs & schedule.

Video 1: Discover Your True North

  • Connect to the most aligned future of yourself and imagine what it would look/feel like to be completely unbound – because data shows that when you follow your alignment, you’re more likely to make money, help the people around you, and have more energy to show up for what you want

  • Understand the powerful link between your energy, nervous system & actions (this is the KEY to moving forward with greater alignment)

  • Create an honest vision for what you want to create in your life to align your business/career, finances, personal life, and relationship with yourself and where you want to be one year from now

Plus 5 journaling prompts to help you find clarity around the unique high level vision that you were put here to create, and breakthrough your doubts around making your vision a reality

Video 2: Reality Check

  • Discover common blocks that could be holding you back from achieving your high level vision
  • Tune into your environment to understand the practical side of how your day-to-day actions & behaviors could be influencing you from reaching your goals 
  • Identify what’s working in your life & what’s working against you to help your aligned vision blossom to life

Plus 4 journaling prompts to support you in creating + achieving actionable goals related to your high level vision.

Video 3: Master Your Nervous System

  • Get your nervous system on board with your goals so you can start making immediate progress forward, while feeling safe & held

  • Discover how to stay in the energy of the vision you want to create, instead of falling off or getting distracted 

  • Tap into the secret to going BIG and doing things you’ve never done that you’ve been dreaming about, even if that means taking risks

Plus 4 journaling prompts to support you in feeling safe & loved as you embark on this part of your journey towards alignment.

Video 4: Two Major Breakthroughs: Money & Aligned Communication

  • Embody the belief that it is good for you to make money – even if you have a history of money trouble, you learned that money is negative, or you feel guilty charging for your work

  • Fine-tune your nervous system to align with the amount of money you want to make, whether that means fully leaning into your current income or making way more!
  • Free yourself from codependency and people pleasing, learn to speak your true feelings & start honoring your boundaries

  • Lock in these 2 major breakthroughs so you can go out in the world & ASK for what you want with strength & confidence – and actually get it!

Plus 5 journaling prompts to deepen your relationship with money, start receiving what you want, and feel EXCITED about the number in your bank account.

And 5 more prompts to help you identify where in your life you aren’t speaking your truth so you can begin introducing more authenticity and depth into your life.

Video 5: Your Guide to Unlocking Exponential Growth

  • How to lock into a state of expansion that will have a ripple effect in the world, energizing and motivating yourself & everyone around you!
  • Ditch scarcity mindset – even if it’s showing up in sneaky subconscious ways
  • Learn how to hold gratitude & growth at the same time, instead of sinking into a more, more, more mindset that will keep you distracted from your highest state of being

Plus 4 journaling prompts to help you identify where in your life you aren’t speaking your truth so you can begin introducing more authenticity and depth into your life.

This is a complete nervous system + mindset upgrade for your next level... all for the cost of lunch.

What’s included

  • 5 Masterclass Videos to supercharge your journey to greater alignment (VALUE $750)
  • 5 Practice Guides with prompts & activities to support you in implementing everything you learn (VALUE $297)

Value: $1,047

Available today for FREE!

Note: This is a pre-recorded course and therefore there are no refunds. This is self paced and does not include live coaching. You will have the material for life. 


What if one shift could change your life?

Hi, I’m Jaden

I spent my early twenties traveling around the world teaching snowboarding, starting businesses, and trying to follow my dreams. Along the way, I became the CEO of multiple successful businesses across industries (yes, I have a BS in Entrepreneurship, but I also have a life degree in building highly profitable businesses!).

Ultimately, I ended up burning out from the rollercoaster of entrepreneurship without deep alignment. 

I wanted to have money and the freedom to work from anywhere. But more importantly I wanted to look back on life and know that I wasn't wasting my gifts.

So I quit my job and followed my number one calling in life - to be in conversation with people about living incredible lives. 

I've spent the last 10+ years learning everything there is to know about personal transformation, nervous system regulation, somatic healing, and what it actually means to live a life of unwavering alignment.

Through this work, I've gained a life of true freedom and happiness that so many people strive for. Which is why I put it all into one program for you.

I have worked with professional athletes, influencers, high level CEOs, and musicians to help them transform their careers and their lives.

My work bridges the gap between the spiritual and practical - and everything in between.

Here are some of my professional certs: Holistic Life Coach, Trauma Informed Life Coach, BS in Community Entrepreneurship, Reiki 1, Healing Touch Level 1 & 2, Energy Medicine, 200 hr YTT.

I look forward to supporting you inside of this Jumpstart Your Next Level 5-Masterclass Series.

If all you do for yourself this week is go through the Jumpstart Your Next Level masterclass series…

By this time next week, you could have a crystal-clear vision for your future and a mapped out plan to get there with deeper enjoyment and ease.

Trust me - your future self and business will thank you.